
You can support our cause easily by purchasing one of the certificates on different areas of development including education, health care, writing accessories and so on.


We are heading to the development of many different areas of life in Spiti Valley. Our objectives are containing the establishing of hospital, home for aged, library, empowerment of women, support to monks and nuns and also to preserve disappearing traditions and culture. One of the important objectives is also to buy land and build hostel around the Kullu valley. This is a new plan of Sapan Foundation, because many students had faced complications after finishing their school education.


A higher education level for nuns and childrens in Spiti Valley. This effort employs the construction of a Nunnery and Primary School. A higher education also means well qualified teachers and educators. We are in an extraordinary effort to accomplish this task. Our mission is to promote secular and religious education for our future generations.
